Minggu, 28 April 2013

QTranslate Full (FREEWARE)

QTranslate 5.0.0 Full
QTranslate 5.0.0 Full. Dari namanya saja sudah bisa ditebak fungsinya buat apa. Ya, ini software untuk menerjemahkan berbagai macam bahasa, sama seperti Ace Translator, yang membedakan diantara keduanya kalau QTranslate 5.0.0 merupakan software gratis, sedangkan Ace Translator software berbayar. Gratis bukan berarti kalah dengan yang berbayar, dan size software ini begitu kecil, tidak sampai 500 kb, sedangkan Ace Translator sampai 1 mb. QTranslate 5.0.0 mendukung menejermahkan bahasa dari berbagai sumber seperti Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, Promt, Babylon, SDL, Yandex, dan Youdao. Yang lebih mengesankan lagi, software ini mempunyai dua pilihan saat instalasi, yaitu versi instal atau terpasang di pc dan versi portable atau perlu menginstal tapi bisa dijalankan. Sangat hebat bukan?, padahal software kecil namun manfaatnya besar.

Download :
QTranslate 5.0.0 Full

Sumber :

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Mengembalikan Tombol Start dan Menu pada Windows 8

If you’ve just installed Windows 8, or bought a Windows 8 PC, you may have noticed something rather irksome: The Start button and menu have disappeared! After spending almost 20 years at the bottom left corner of your desktop, Microsoft has decided that the Start menu is dead and that the mouse-and-keyboard-hating Metro Start screen is the future.
Despite Microsoft’s best efforts to ensure that the Start button and menu remain banished from Windows 8, a bunch of third-party replacements have emerged. Really, it just goes to show how devoted the Desktop Windows userbase is: Microsoft completely stripped out the underlying Start menu code to quash potential Luddite revolutionaries, and yet months after the release of Windows 8 there are dozens of Start menu and Start button replacements — some of which are far superior to Microsoft’s own Windows 7 STart menu.
Let’s take a look at the best, cheapest, and most authentic apps for bringing back the Windows Start menu and button.
Windows 8 Start menu replacement: StartIsBack


If you want a Start menu replacement that looks exactly like Windows 7, StartIsBack is for you. You get the same Start menu orb icon, the same search box, the same jump lists, and — for better or worse — even the same Aero transparency! As you can see in the screenshot above, StartIsBack even detects if your system needs to restart to apply some patches; it really is just like the Windows 7 Start menu.
Where StartIsBack diverges from the Windows 7 Start menu, though, is configurability: StartIsBack is fully customizable, and includes a handful of useful Windows 8-specific features, too. You can configure which hot corners are enabled, make your PC jump straight to the Desktop when it first boots up, and configure a key combo to show the Windows 8 Start screen (Win+Ctrl by default). If Start menu and taskbar transparency aren’t your thing, StartIsBack lets you disable it — and you can change the Start button orb icon, too.
Download StartIsBack ($3, free 30-day trial)
Windows 8: Pokki Start menu replacement


Where StartIsBack tries to replicate the Windows of yesteryear, Pokki (free) is very much its own beast — and as much as I love the Windows 7 Start menu, I have to admit that Pokki is probably even better. It utilizes a neat “pinning” system that isn’t unlike the home screen of your smartphone or tablet (though I would argue that the Windows taskbar/superbar still does a better job). You can also add widgets to Pokki, such as Gmail or Facebook, which display your latest email or status updates.
By default, Pokki will configure your Windows 8 system to boot straight to the Desktop — and there is an option that will just completely disable the hot corners, if you so desire. (Remember, Win+C pops open the Charms menu, if you need.)
Download Pokki (free)
Windows 8 Start menu replacement: StartMenu8


If you want the Windows 7 Start menu look-and-feel, but you’re not prepared to fork out a few dollars for StartIsBack or Start8, StartMenu8 is a solid alternative. While the interface won’t win any prizes — it feels a lot like the early Linux apps that ruthlessly ripped off Windows — you get a fair amount of configurability, and a handful of Windows 8-specific toggles that are very useful.
By default, StartMenu8 will skip the Windows 8 Start screen and go straight to the Desktop, and disable Windows 8′s hot corners. There’s also the option to disable the sidebar, if you really don’t ever want to see Windows 8 ever again. The StartMenu8 button icon can be altered, and you can add and remove which links appear up the right side of the Start menu. Overall, StartMenu8 looks and feels a bit clunky — and, incidentally, watch out for some delicious bundleware during the installation process.
Download StartMenu8 (free)

Source :

Cara Jitu Meningkatkan Sinyal Modem Smartfren

  Berikut caranya:

1. Siapkan kaleng Pocari Sweat atau Coca Cola atau apa saja, yang penting kaleng tersebut tidak terlalu kecil seperti kaleng Milo yang agak slim dan langsing, pasti tahu kan kaleng Milo?.

2. Siapkan CD, yang tidak terpakai saja atau yang sudah rusak, kalau yang masih sering dipakai, nanti saat dipakai untuk memperkuat atau meningkatkan sinyal modem, salah satu anggota keluarga Anda ingin memakainya, jadi Anda bisa kena omelan, bukan tanggung jawab Saya yah, kalau Anda kena omelan.

3. Jika kaleng dan CD sudah disiapkan, colok modem, kemudian letakkan CD dibawah modem Smartfren, dan kaleng di samping modem Smartfren, dan juga kaleng menindih CD. Belum tahu maksud Saya?, seperti gambar di bawah ini contohnya.
Dua lembar kertas yang biru, boleh juga tuh
4. Setelah posisi kaleng dan CD seperti gambar di atas, Anda langsung menghidupkan PC. Supaya efisien dapat sinyalnya, centang pada 'launch on OS startup', ini supaya saat menghidupkan PC, langsung muncul program Smartfren, kadang-kadang, kalau secara manual maksudnya seperti saat menghidupkan PC, lalu double klik program Smartfren, itu jarang-jarangan dapat sinyal 4-5 bar Evdo.

Ok dari itu semua Anda bisa mendapatkan sinyal Evdo Smartfren 4 sampai 5 bar, jika sudah dapat 4 bar, itu sudah cukup bagi langganan unlimited yang kecepatannya 384 KBPS, jika Anda mendapatkan 3 bar Evdo smartfen, Anda restart PC, lalu cepat-cepat menggeser atau memutar sedikit kaleng dan CD saat mematikan PC. Jika masih terus dapat 3 bar Evdo, lakukan hal tersebut berulang-ulang, haha, sering banget nih Saya, kalau dapat hanya 3 bar sinyal Evdo.

Dan hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini

Demikian Cara Jitu Meningkatkan Sinyal Modem Smartfren, mudah-mudahan bisa bekerja pada modem dan tempat tinggal Anda. Jika tidak berhasil, maafkan Saya ya.
Source :

Windows Loader 2.2.1 By Daz Full Activator

Windows Loader 2.2.1 By Daz Full Activator
Windows Loader 2.2.1 By Daz Full Activation merupakan software yang sudah tidak asing lagi, karena software loader ini dapat mengaktivasi Windows yang tadinya Windows Is Not Genuine menjadi Windows Is Genuine.

Windows Loader 2.2.1 By Daz Full Activator

Hal-hal yang Anda mungkin ingin tahu:
  • It works on 32-bit and 64-bit systems
  • It's compatible with Windows 7 SP1 and all system updates
  • It's compatible with all system languages
  • It can be used to pre-activate Windows
  • It allows you to install custom OEM information
  • It features application integrity checking
  • It supports hidden partitions and some complex setups
  • It can work alongside Linux's GRUB or any other boot manager
  • It works with VMware, VirtualBox and Hyper-V
  • It works with most hard drive encryption software e.g. TrueCrypt or BitLocker
  • It allows you to add your own certificates and serials externally
  • It will install just the certificate and serial for users with an existing SLIC 2.1
  • It features automated system profiling (The application matches everything up for you)
  • It won't modify any system files
  • It runs before Windows is launched
  • No extra processes are run so you have nothing eating at your RAM
  • All key parts of the loader are encrypted with a custom encryption
  • Every user has a unique version of the loader installed on his or her system
Supported operating systems:
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Windows 7 Ultimate E
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows 7 Professional E
  • Windows 7 Home Premium
  • Windows 7 Home Premium E
  • Windows 7 Home Basic
  • Windows 7 Starter
  • Windows 7 Starter E
  • Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Windows Vista Business
  • Windows Vista Business N
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows Vista Home Basic
  • Windows Vista Home Basic N
  • Windows Vista Starter
  • Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
  • Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (Without Hyper-V)
  • Windows Server 2008 Foundation
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard
  • Windows Small Business Server 2008
  • Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard
  • Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
  • Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard
  • Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
  • Windows Home Server 2011
  • Windows Server 2012 Standard
  • Windows Server 2012 Essentials
  • Windows Server 2012 Foundation
  • Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard
  • Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup
  • Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Standard
  • Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Premium
RAR Password: www.xyraclius.com

Source :

Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File

Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File. Banyak downloader, tentu juga banyak uploader. Tanpa uploader, pasti tidak ada downloader. Sering kali kita download file di berbagai file hosting, dengan software IDM, proses download jadi lebih cepat dari sebelumnya, bahkan hingga 5 kali lipat. Nah, kalau IDM dapat mempercepat download, sedangkan software ini untuk mempercepat upload. Namanya yaitu File & Image Uploader. Dengan software ini, proses upload jadi lebih cepat dibandingkan anda mengupload file di file hosting tersebut, bagaimana cara menggunakannya?, berikut tutorialnya:

1. Download File & Images Uploader
2. Setelah selesai download, buka software. Software ini portable, jadi tidak perlu diinstal
3. Pada top menu, klik tools > setting > connection. Pada tab menu HTTP, buffer size pilih 1024 kb
Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File
Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File

4. Pada menu file hoster, tambahkan akun file hosting anda, masukkan sesuai login file hosting, misalkan login dengan username, ya gunakan username, misalkan login dengan email, ya gunakan dengan email, contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini
Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File

5. Selesai Konfigurasi, kemudian mulai upload file yang anda inginkan. Pilih file hosting yang sudah ditambahkan, dan disamping file hosting, ada kotak berwarna hijau, berarti bisa digunakan, bila putih, tidak bisa digunakan. Setelah itu semua selesai Klik gambar centang untuk memulai upload. Contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini. Dari gambar dibawah tersebut, ada Rar Password, Description, Multiselect, Split files bigger than, dan masih banyak lagi, tentu anda sudah tahu kan fungsi-fungsinya buat apa aja?

Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File
6. Proses upload sedang berlangsung
Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File

7. Selesai Upload. Inilah buktinya
Cara Yang Ampuh Mempercepat Upload File

Nanti otomatis mempunyai deskripsi file dari File & Image Uploader yaitu uploaded with File Uploader (z-o-o-m.eu).

Memang ada untuk registrasi supaya menjadi registered version, tapi versi freeware dengan registered sama saja, tidak ada bedanya, saya sendiri sudah mencobanya, dan jika sudah menjadi registered version, kemudian ganti bahasa maupun muncul pemberitahuan update, maka akan kembali lagi ke freeware version.

Mungkin hanya itu saja, semoga bisa mempercepat upload file anda, tapi ingat, itu semua kembali pada koneksi internet anda. software ini hanya meningkatkan sesuai kecepatan dan bandwidth koneksi internet anda, sama seperti IDM.

Sumber : http://www.xyraclius.com

Solusi Dan Cara Cepat Install Driver Laptop-PC dengan Driverpack 12.3

Sering terjadi khan setelah install OS Windows di Laptop-Netbook-PC , baik itu WinXP, Win Vista atau Win7, kita bingung mencari driver perangkat-nya? Baik itu driver chipset, soundcard, display/VGA, NIC/LAN, Wifi dan sebagainya. Sekarang tidak perlu bingung lagi karena sudah ada Driverpack Solution 12.3 yang bisa mendeteksi semua driver PC ataupun Laptop yg Anda miliki. Anda tidak perlu download, karena semua driver sudah dipaket dalam 1 DVD.

"INFO : DRIVERPACK VERSI 13 2013 sudah RELEASE, Silahkan dibaca dan download di http://adf.ly/N25Ve"

Sebenarnya cara kerja Driverpack Solution 12.3 hampir sama dengan software Driver Pack pada umumnya (CD/DVD driver bawaan), sekali klik – diaktifkan, Driverpack Solution 12.3 akan langsung mendeteksi dahulu Informasi Umum yang ada di komputer kita (baik Hardware maupun Software), terutama deteksi perangkat sudah memiliki driver apa belum. Kalau sistem di PC kita belum ada driver-nya ( di device manager bertanda seru-tanda tanya ) Driverpack Solution 12.3 langsung memberitahu dan menawarkan ketersediaan driver yang dia miliki (di database Folder-Direktori-nya > terserah  dalam USB Flashdisk atau DVD).

Cara Menggunakan DRP-DriverPack Solution

Setelah berhasil download DRP ikuti langkah-langkah berikut, agar hasil Instalasi Driver lebih maksimal dan meminimasi resiko kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi. Dalam contoh dan saat eksperimen saya menggunakan Laptop-Netbook Toshiba Satellite L645 Core i3 dengan OS Windows 7 Ultimate dan Driverpack Solution 12.3 yang saya Burn/bakar dalam sebuah DVD :
  • 1. Setelah DVD Driverpack Solution 12.3 dimasukkan > muncul autorun dan klik Run DriverPackSolution.exe , dan Driverpack Solution 12.3 akan Loading beberapa saat untuk mencoba menampilkan informasi tentang spesifikasi hardware software dan kondisi installasi driver perangkat komputer / Laptop kita :
  • 2. Klik Menu-Tab Driver => klik "Install and Update". Kemudian akan tampil layar Confirm Installation, Klik  "Install Driver" =>  klik "Start Installation".
  • 3. Secara otomatis Driverpack Solution 12.3 akan menginstall  driver-driver ke Sistem Operasi yang di ambil dari  Database-nya di Folder ( dev_db dan drp ). Tunggu sebentar-beberapa menit sampai proses Installasi selesai.
Jika setelah proses ini tidak ada pesan/warning apapun dan sistem minta Restart serta saat masuk Desktop GUI Windows (juga di Device Manager tidak ada tanda seru-tanya), berarti proses installasi driver SELESAI!
**Khusus Windows XP, install driver Sound versi HD, harus 2 x jalankan Driverpack Solution 12.3 .. karena proses pertama upgrade driver HD, trus yg kedua baru Instal driver aslinya ...

Jika ada pesan Error driver tidak bisa di install , ikuti langkah di posting selanjutnya ..

sumber : http://dotcomcell.com

DVD Driverpack 13 FINAL Maret 2013

DriverPack 13 adalah merupakan sebuah program yang berisi kumpulan-kumpulan driver untuk VGA, Chipset, SoundCard, LanCard, Wifi, Printer, dll. Bisa digunakan untuk semua versi windows dari windows XP, Vista, Seven (32/64 bit) dan Windows 8. yang dapat anda gunakan di berbagai macam komputer dan laptop. DriverPack 13 ini adalah versi terbaru Release Maret 2013.


Link Download Driverpack 13 :

CARA PENGGUNAAN  DriverPack 13 : 
Silahkan Klik Link Berikut : http://sendypramananta.blogspot.com/2013/04/solusi-dan-cara-cepat-install-driver.html

Cara kerja DriverPack 13 : 
Ketika DVD DriverPack 13 dimasukkan dalam komputer ataupun laptop anda, maka DriverPack 13 akan secara otomatis mendeteksi semua driver yang dibutuhkan maupun yang perlu diupdate. Kemudian setelah proses pendeteksian driver selesai, Anda hanya perlu sekali klik Install / Update, maka DriverPack 2013 akan otomatis menginstal semua driver yang anda butuhkan.

Apa saja Kelebihan dan Feature yang ditawarkan oleh 1 Keping DVD DriverPack 13 ? 
  • Dapat menemukan dan menginstall semua driver secara otomatis hanya dalam waktu sekitar 5 - 15 menit secara Offline. 
  • Menghemat waktu dan anda tidak perlu mencari driver lagi online di internet, karena semuanya sudah tersedia dalam 1 Keping DVD DriverPack 13 
  • Berisi semua hampir semua driver untuk semua jenis komputer dan laptop anda. 
  • Memiliki kemampuan untuk update driver yg sudah ada di komputer anda secara Offline 
  • Support Windows XP, VISTA, SEVEN, dan WINDOWS 8  baik 32bit / 64bit
  • Mudah digunakan dan hanya perlu beberapa klik untuk install driver. 
  • DVD Driver Pack Solution 2013 berlisensi GNU GPL Freeware.

Terima Kasih...

Cara Cepat Install Windows 7 untuk Semua komputer dan Laptop 15 menit

Kali ini saya akan mencoba share tentang Cara Cepat Install Windows 7 untuk Semua komputer dan Laptop dalam 15 Menit. Uji coba yang saya lakukan memakan waktu kurang lebih 15 menit untuk install windows 7 beserta aplikasi Microsoft Office 2007 dan program standart lainnya dan antivirus. Cara ini sudah saya coba di PC dan Laptop, dan semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. OK langsung saja ya…

Cara Cepat Install Windows 7 untuk Semua komputer dan Laptop 15 menit :
  • Install windows 7 lengkap dengan aplikasi pendukungnya seperti office, winamp, antivirus, dll. Pada proses install ini jangan menggunakan partisi yang 100Mb. Jadi Install windows 7 tanpa partisi 100Mb yang biasanya digunakan untuk bootloader. Jadi windows seven terinstall hanya pada 1 partisi saja. Karena kita akan membuat image ghost dari partisi ini.
  • Setelah Windows 7 beserta kelengkapannya jadi, Hapus User Account yang Aktif.
  • Hapus User Account yang aktif, caranya Klik kanan Computer di start menu => Pilih Manage => Klik Local Users and Group => Users, kemudian delete user account yang aktif, Misal USER. 

  • Maka akan muncul wizard seperti diatas ini, klik YES saja, dan klik YES lagi kalau muncul wizard berikutya sampai User yang aktif benar-benar terhapus. 
  • Jalankan SYSPREP.EXE untuk menghapus semua registry hardware yang telah terpasang di system windows.  Langkah ini adalah untuk menghapus segala registry hardware yang telah terinstal dengan maksud agar windows 7 ini bisa dipasang di semua Komputer ataupun Laptop.
  • Caranya : Klik Start Menu, ketikkan di kolom SEARCH : " C:\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe " kemudian tekan ENTER. 

  • Maka akan terbuka program sysprep ( System Preparation Tools) seperti gambar berikut. 

  • Centang Generalize, kemudian di "shutdown option" pilih Shutdown. 
  • Klik OK, maka proses penghapusan registry hardware pada system windows akan dimulai. 

  • Tunggu kira-kira 5-10 menit, maka kemudian windows akan shutdown sendiri. 
  • Partisi Windows 7 sudah siap kita jadikan IMAGE GHOST , dan bisa dipasang di semua jenis komputer dan laptop. Jika anda hanya ingin ganti Mainboard dan tidak ingin Install Ulang dari awal lagi, maka dengan langkah diatas, harddisk yang isinya windows 7 lama, bisa langsung dipindahkan ke Mainboard yang baru tanpa Install Ulang.
Sumber : ekohasan.blogspot.com

Cara Membuka File / Folder yang Access Denied

Posting kali ini sebenarnya bukan hal yang baru. Akan tetapi saya merasa sangat perlu untuk di posting, barangkali ada yang membutuhkan cara ini. Postingan kali ini adalah tentang Cara Membuka File / Folder  yang Access Denied. Kemarin saya juga sempet di tanya oleh salah satu teman lama yang sekarang tinggalnya di Jakarta sana.

Penyebab Folder / File yang Access Denied atau tidak bisa dibuka :
File atau Folder tersebut dibuat pada file system NTFS yang mengalami perubahan Security ID. Atau anda mungkin pernah memberikan password pada Windows anda, kemudian anda melakukan install ulang Windows. Akibatnya terjadilah Folder / File yang Access Denied yang tidak bisa dibuka.

Cara Membuka File / Folder  yang Access Denied :
  • Buka Windows Explorer => Klik Tools => Folder Options => View
  • Hilangkan tanda centang pada Use simple file sharing (Recommended) => Klik OK

  • Klik kanan pada folder yang terkunci : contoh nama folder "System Volume Information"]
  • Pilih Properties => Security. ( Bila ada warning klik OK )
  • Klik Advanced => Owner => akan muncul jendela berikut ini :

  • Klik Nama User Administratornya, misal komputer saya namanya ekohasan.
  • Beri tanda centang pada Replace Owner of Subcontainer and Objects.
  • Kemudian Klik OK / YES
  • Dan akhirnya Folder / File anda yang Access Denied akan bisa dibuka kembali.
Selamat mencoba dan Semoga bermanfaat.

Sumber :

Kamis, 11 April 2013

KEYBOARD LED : Untuk pengguna laptop yang tidak dilengkapi indikator Caps Lock , Num Lock , Scroll Lock

Where is indicator for Caps Lock?

Many models of modern notebooks, netbooks and cordless keyboards have no indicators for Caps Lock, and Num Lock. Indicator of Scroll lock disappeared almost from any hardware. Keyboard LEDs software solves this problem and allows you to see the current state of keyboard locks on small icon in the system tray or on the floating window over your screen.
Screenshot of Keyboard LEDs
Also the program allows the user to switch any keyboard lock on computers without hardware buttons: embedded devices, Apple keyboards and notebooks, etc.
You can download and use Keyboard LEDs software absolutely free, either for personal or business purposes:
If you'll found this program interesting and helpful please inform all your friends about it :)

Caps Lock and Num Lock indicators right on your desktop

Jika lupa Password Microsoft Outlook : Outlook Password Decryptor

Untuk pengguna Microsoft Outlook yang lupa password account'nya, ada software utk menampilkan password MS Outlook : MS OUTLOOK Password Decryptor

Outlook Account Password Location

Different versions of Outlook uses different location and mechanism to store the account password along with other details such as email and server information.

Outlook Express, 98 and 2000 versions store the remembered password in the 'Windows Protected Storage' similar to older versions of Internet Explorer. The password link and other account information are stored at one of the below mentioned registry locations.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts
Outlook version starting from 2002 to 2010 stores the account password (other than Exchange Server) in encrypted format at following profile location
[Windows NT onwards]
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles

[Prior to Windows NT]
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles
Latest Outlook 2013 (version 15.0) stores the account configuration along with encrypted password at following location
Newer versions of Outlook store the 'Exchange Server' based passwords in the credential provider (like network passwords) which is more secure than other methods.

For more internal details on how OutlookPasswordDecryptor decrypts these passwords read the following research article, 'Exposing the Secret of Decrypting Outlook Passwords'
Installation & Uninstallation

It comes with Installer so that you can install it locally on your system for regular usage. This installer has intuitive wizard which guides you through series of steps in completion of installation.
At any point of time, you can uninstall the product using the Uninstaller located at following location (by default)
[Windows 32 bit]
C:\Program Files\SecurityXploded\OutlookPasswordDecryptor

[Windows 64 bit]
C:\Program Files (x86)\SecurityXploded\OutlookPasswordDecryptor

Screenshot 1: OutlookPasswordDecryptor showing the recovered passwords from different type email accounts stored by Outlook.
Screenshot 2: Outlook account password list exported in HTML format by OutlookPasswordDecryptor.
Export Outlook passwords to HTML

How to configure the size limit for both (.pst) and (.ost) files in Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, and in Outlook 2003

Microsoft Outlook 2013, Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 support American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and UNICODE personal folders (.pst) and offline folder (.ost) files. This article describes how to use the following four registry entries to limit the size of both the .pst and the .ost files: 
  • The MaxFileSize registry entry
  • The WarnFileSize registry entry
  • The MaxLargeFileSize registry entry
  • The WarnLargeFileSize registry entry
Note The WarnLargeFileSize and WarnFileSize registry entries do not enable Outlook to warn you before the file size limit is reached.

The MaxFileSize registry entry

The MaxFileSize registry entry determines the absolute maximum size that both the .pst and the .ost files can grow to. After this maximum size is reached, Outlook does not permit the size of the file to grow beyond this size.

The WarnFileSize registry entry

The WarnFileSize registry entry determines the maximum data that both the .pst and the .ost files can have. After this maximum data is reached, neither the .pst nor the .ost files are permitted to add any more data. However, the size of the physical file may still increase because of internal processes.

In the following table, the MaxLargeFileSize registry entry and the WarnLargeFileSize registry entry refer to a UNICODE formatted (new Large format) file, and the MaxFileSize registry entry and the WarnFileSize registry entry refer to an ANSI formatted (an earlier Microsoft Outlook format) file. The UNICODE values are set in megabyte (MB) increments, while the ANSI values are set in byte increments.

Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010 

NameTypeValid Data RangeDefault
MaxLargeFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00000001 – 0x0000C800 0x0000C800 51,200 (50 GB)
WarnLargeFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00000000 – 0x0000BE00 0x0000BE00 48,640 (47.5 GB)
MaxFileSizeREG_DWORD0x001F4400 – 0x7C0044000x7BB04400 2,075,149,312 (1.933 GB)
WarnFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00042400 – 0x7C0044000x74404400 1,950,368,768 (1.816 GB)

Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2003

NameTypeValid Data RangeDefault
MaxLargeFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00000001 – 0x0000C8000x00005000 20,480 (20 GB)
WarnLargeFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00000000 – 0x0000BE000x00004C00 19,456 (19 GB)
MaxFileSizeREG_DWORD0x001F4400 – 0x7C0044000x7BB04400 2,075,149,312 (1.933 GB)
WarnFileSizeREG_DWORD0x00042400 – 0x7C0044000x74404400 1,950,368,768 (1.816 GB)
Office VersionThe policy location for the registry entries is located in the following path in Registry EditorThe user preference location for the registry entries is located in the following path in Registry Editor
Outlook 2013HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\PSTHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\PST
Outlook 2010HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\PSTHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\PST
Outlook 2007HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PSTHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST
Outlook 2003HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\PSTHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\PST

More information

Follow these steps to configure the size limit for both the .pst and the .ost files.

Note The settings that are discussed in this article apply to both .ost and .pst files. If you modify these registry values, this can affect .ost files that are used with Cached Exchange Mode, with AutoArchive, and with .pst. files. If Outlook is configured to download shared folders, the contents of shared folders are stored in the local Offline Outlook Data (.ost) file. If the shared folders contain many items or large attachments, the size of the .ost file may grow significantly. Additionally, Outlook 2013 introduced support for Site Mailboxes. If an Outlook 2013 client is working in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013/Microsoft SharePoint 2013 environment and is granted permission to a site mailbox, the site mailbox is automatically added to the Outlook 2013 profile. If Download Shared Folders is enabled, the site mailbox contents are synchronized to the local .ost file. This can result in the .ost file exceeding the set limit. For more information about the Download Shared Folders setting in Outlook, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:  
982697 By default, shared mail folders are downloaded in Cached mode in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
  3. In the left pane, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
  4. Expand Software, and then expand Policies.
  5. Expand Microsoft, and then expand Office.
  6. Expand 11.0 for Outlook 2003, 12.0 for Outlook 2007, or 14.0 for Outlook 2010, or 15.0 for Outlook 2013, and then expand Outlook.
  7. Click PST, and then right-click MaxFileSize in the right pane.
  8. Click Modify, and then type the value in the Value data box.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Right-click WarnFileSize, and repeat steps 8 through 9.
  11. Right-click MaxLargeFileSize, and repeat steps 8 through 9.
  12. Right-click WarnLargeFileSize, and repeat steps 8 through 9.
Note You may have to create the registry values if they do not exist. If the registry values do not exist, follow these steps to create them.
  1. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK.
  2. In the left pane, expand following registry key:

    For Outlook 2013
    For Outlook 2010
    For Outlook 2007
    For Outlook 2003
  3. Right click Outlook, point to New, and then click Key.
  4. Type PST, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right click PST, point to New, and then click DWORD value.
  6. Type MaxFileSize, and then press ENTER twice.
  7. In the Edit DWORD Value window, choose Decimal and type the value in the Value data box, and then click OK.
    Note 1GB=1*1024*1024*1024byte; 1MB=1*1024*1024byte; 1KB=1*1024byte, the example below is for 1GB.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to create another DWORD WarnFileSize.
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to create another DWORD MaxLargeFileSize. 
  10. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to create another DWORD WarnLargeFileSize, and then close the registry.

    Note For mass deployment of these registry keys on end-user machines, the ORK tool can be used.
To automate the registry creation on end-user machines, use ORK for deployment scenarios.
It is recommended that the values between the MaxFileSize registry entry and the WarnFileSize registry entry, and the values between the MaxLargeFileSize registry entry and the WarnLargeFileSize registry entry be at least 5 percent (%) so that internal processes are not hindered from continuing.

If the value of the MaxFileSize registry entry ever exceeds the ANSI 2 gigabyte (GB) limit on either the .pst or the .ost files, the value will be ignored to limit the size to 2 GB to prevent corruption. The default value for the WarnFileSizeregistry registry entry is calculated to be 95% of the MaxFileSize registry entry for a UNICODE file, and it remains at 1,950,368,768 bytes for small ANSI files.

Note You can set the UNICODE limits beyond the values that are listed in the table. However, we do not recommend doing this because performance can decrease.

If .ost files or .pst files reach the limit that is specified in the WarnFileSize or the WarnLargeFileSize registries, the compaction function is triggered to try to reduce the size of the file to a usable level. When the WarnFileSize or the WarnLargeFileSize limit is reached, e-mail messages cannot be sent (provided that sent e-mail messages are stored in the Sent Items folder), and items cannot be copied or moved within the file. If the file is an archive .pst file that is used for AutoArchive, the AutoArchive operation will fail. However, e-mail messages can be deleted or archived from a .pst or from an .ost file that is currently being used as the default delivery location.

The following are some of the errors that may occur when files reach the maximums specified in the registries:
  • When you try to move items to a .pst or an .ost file that has reach the limit, you receive the following error message:
    Can't move the items. The file \.pst has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this file, select some items that you no longer need, and then permanently delete them.
  • When e-mail messages are delivered to a .pst or an .ost file that are using Cached Exchange Mode, and the file has reached the limit, the Mailbox Cleanup wizard launches.

Sumber : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/832925


  1. Open Explorer.
  2. Click Tools > Folder Options...
  3. Click the File Types tab.
  4. Scroll down to the file extension of the affected program (in this case, doc).
  5. Select the desired file extension and click the Advanced button. This will open the Edit File Type dialog box.
  6. Select the Open option, then click Edit...
  7. Find the line "Application used to perform action". Scroll to the end of the path (for example, my computer lists C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE" /n).
  8. Look for a switch labeled /dde at the end of the path.
  9. Delete /dde and type "%1" (including quotes) at the end of the path.
  10. Clear the "Use DDE" option.
  11. Click OK, then OK again.
  12. Double-click on the desired file. It should launch quickly.

Kamis, 04 April 2013

Download Resetter Canon Service Tool v3400

Postingan kali ini adalah tentang Resetter Canon Service Tool v3400. Mungkin di antara rekan-rekan sudah ada yang punya resetter Service Tool v3400 ini.

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Klik link dibawah ini, jika ada iklan, klik SKIP / LEWATI di pojok kanan atas, kemudian download file resetter Canon Service Tool v3400 nya.

Semoga berhasil .. 

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Cara Reset Epson L800

Cara dan Download Resetter Epson L800

Bahasan kali ini adalah tentang Cara dan Download Resetter Epson L800. Kang Eko mendapatkan Resetter Epson L800 ini dari blog Aldi Arman. Ok Tentunya sudah pada tahu kalau Printer Epson kita ngadat bukan karena hardware, berarti harus di reset dengan software Resettter. Langsung ke TKP ....

Cara dan Download Resetter Epson L800
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  • Download Software Resetter Epson L800 di link berikut ini : 
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Demikian Cara dan Download Resetter Epson L800

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